Full-Stack Developer
Hello, I'm Paolo, nice to meet you!
Currently studying at ITS Alto Adriatico
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Full-Stack Developer
Currently studying at ITS Alto Adriatico
CV downloadHere are only some of my projects, visit my GitHub for more!
Small project for creating, updating, deleting some notes.
A user can be added with username and password; it's available a demo user for trying the web-app.
Developed with html, css, javascript and php
Php project that allow user to add some songs and set the genre. After that ther's an api to youtube that convert the title of the song to a link referencing the song desidered.
User can filter the songs by author and genre
Java-based app, includes adding a user for searching on a 'db' the games published by the authors.
Authors can also be signed-in; after that it's possible to create some board-games and publish it on the platform.
Html, css, javascitp web-app that displays the snake game.
It offer the possibility to play even on smartphones. It autosave the high score made by the user on the browser memory